“Work Work Work Hero!” is a mini comic book digitally illustrated by Christopher Henry that follows the adventure of the number 1 superhero Kalion in the town of Killrodders, who not only saves the monster infested town from disaster but also works for 23 hours daily with only 1 hour of break! Despite his consistent attitude, saving the town from monsters every day makes him grow sick of it and he has no time for everything in his life which leads to work stress.
This digitally illustrated comic book with playful text and two-dimensional illustration, mainly targeting teens to young adults due to the high amount of stress in their minds, aims to inspire people to have time for themselves and not let work stress ruin their life.
He brings characters to life with a distinct style, blending imagination and technical finesse. His talent spans from crafting captivating 2D illustrations, and 3D objects, leaving no details unturned.