‘head in the clouds’ provides positive affirmations and reinforces the importance of good mental health. We may not be for everyone but we will always be open to everyone. ‘head in the clouds’ was created to provide a safe space for everyone, as well as an environment that is comfortable for people to set their minds free. ‘head in the clouds’ hopes to build a positive and altruistic community that speaks with mindfulness.
Words are powerful as they can affect a person’s behaviour and mood. When we recognise the influence that words have, we will notice the significance they have. I have an interest in typography and calligraphy and I want to be able to use these skills to create art that can lift moods, boost morale and help people gain confidence.
Being organised and driven, Renae is an aspiring graphic designer who seeks to communicate empowering messages through her designs, with a focus on branding and advertising.