Alien in Singapura is a 24-page comic zine (with covers) about my experience as a student from Jakarta, Indonesia, living in Singapore. The word Alien in the title references me as a foreigner in Singapore. In the zine, I write and visualise my experiences, culture shocks, commentaries, and comparisons between Singapore and Jakarta. I utilise funny comics, detailed illustrations, and copywriting to deliver my story. I use the zine as my creative outlet to share my experiences, imagination, and ideas.
I hope students like me, especially from Jakarta or Indonesia, find the story in this zine relatable. I also hope that Singaporeans find this entertaining and can accept and understand my views. Through this project, I want to showcase my illustration, publication, and storytelling skills. All pages are up on my portfolio - I hope you enjoy my zine!
Yooka specialises in 2D illustration and animation, creating silly and wacky works. With a passion for storytelling, he aspires to gain recognition and entertain audiences in his chosen field.